Sunday 5 January 2014

New Year's Resolutions

Just when you thought that you were finally free from all of those 'new year, new me' statuses cramming up your news feed I am here (all be it a little late) with mine! Due to the passing of my much beloved Nan, I took the start of January off as a hiatus from blogging and so now that I'm back I am playing catch up! The funeral is on Thursday and after that normal service will hopefully be resumed around here on The University Project!

Every year I say that I am going to eat healthier and try and shift a few pounds (as do most of the female population) but I am absolutely awful at sticking to it so this year I am simply opting for drinking more water and hoping once I've sorted that I can add in a few more baby steps and gradually become healthier, I am also aiming to plan my meals more this semester so hopefully I can stick to this! 

I am really bad at getting myself overly stressed about situations and especially in relation to University work so this year I am going to try and reduce the amount I stress out about deadlines! I am aiming to come up with a Library schedule as I find that I am much more productive there and feel much better after having spent a few hours doing my work in the confines of the Library walls.

This year I want to start taking better care of my skin and body in general! Since being a student I have been opting for the cheapest options possible and I feel that my skin has suffered because of this, as well as my hair. I got the Soap and Glory Yule Monty set for Christmas so that is a step in the right direction but if anybody has any suggestions for products for dry/sensitive/red skin then PLEASE send them my way, they will be most appreciated! 

Develop and maintain a budget! I am really good at coming up with budgets, however I am not so good at actually sticking to them! I am starting to use the cash envelope system for budgeting that I have seen more and more recently on blogs and I will post an update about how I am getting on with this after I have used it for a bit longer. Do any of you use this budgeting method? I am becoming increasingly more aware about how difficult it is for graduates to find a job and so I want to have saved up some money as a safety net for when I graduate myself. 

Appreciate my boyfriend more. Having been together for over two years now I sometimes feel like I take our relationship for granted, but I can't picture my life without him now (cheese alert!) and so I am going to try and be a better girlfriend this year! The same is true for my family and friends, losing my Nan has made me realise how many awesome people I have in my life. 

Learn to drive. This is something that I have been saying I will do for a good 18 months now and I have still not had a single driving lesson! So this year I am determined to start driving lessons, take and pass my theory test and be on my way to passing my driving test by this time next year. 

What resolutions have you made this year?


  1. These are great resolutions :) I hope you can stick to them all! I love the one about appreciating your boyfriend and family more, too... I've been with Andy for 5 years now, so we've decided to refresh and start doing more new things instead of taking each other for granted xxx

    1. I'm so glad that I am not the only one who has found themselves taking advantage of their partners! I hope you and Andy are enjoying trying new things out together :) xxx
